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Wilderness, the natural beauty


young and old

tall and fallen 


lakes and streams

still and running 

wild life

from birds to deer

stone and rock 

gracing both ledges and flat ground

hear the whisper of the wind 

the trickling of water 

an awesome sight 

be it day with the sun peeking through the trees

or at night as the moon peers in from above 

a closer look shows the magnificent detail of our Fathers work 

standing small before the tallest of trees

the wonder of how something so incredibly large 

sways so easily in the breeze

An unlikely attraction  

of cold hard stone

blanketed by the warmth of the moss 

an old stump 

providing food and shelter for God's smallest of creatures 

nothing here is wasted 

nothing here is without purpose 

every angle a painting awaits 

a photograph to be taken 

a drawing emerges 

this land, 

so beautiful 

so inviting

yet so alone 

Wilderness, the natural beauty.


This poem is written by and is the property of Eva Hancock.

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